A photographic image is only a copy and at the same time a direct representation of the surrounding world, whose meaning is intensified the moment the copy is presented. The image registered by means of light not only records its symbolic way from the object to the photosensitive material, but also forever captures a faithful representation of the object and thus manifests its existence. Capturing an event, a person, a space or a landscape, intensifies and acknowledges its authenticity. According to Gottfried Boehm’s words in O obrazach i widzeniu.(..:) “A face, forest, mountain, vase or a bottle, seen hundreds of times, catches our attention and becomes truly meaningful only after being photographed”. The photographic works of students of the Academy of Photography and Enterprise in Białystok, through conscious use of visual media, are far from being merely a copy or representation. By undertaking social issues with psychological background, their works draw our attention to the complexity of interpersonal relations, human’s interference with the natural environment. By drawing on the Avantgarde experiences, they experiment with photography and their Praxis reveals the real world we live in.
The exhibition curator D.A. Grzegorz Jarmocewicz
Kamila Butkiewicz, Ola Domanowska, Mateusz Duchnowski, Agata Glińska, Andrea Linge, Marta Pogorzały, Tomek Stabiński, Katarzyna Zachorowska, Chiara Zonta
University Campus, 1M Ciołkowskiego Street